Born For Burning Radio: Motörhead

2016 coming up on a close, and with it, brings the first anniversary since Lemmy’s passing. The quintessential definition of everything your parents told you not to become, Lemmy not only played rock’n’roll, but thrived in it and showed us all that life is better lived when the music is good and loud. He played faster and louder than everything else, and was the guiding light for all of us, never steering us wrong and always there with words that cement your conviction and make sense of a nonsensical world. We wont drag on why Motörhead means so much to all of us here at Born For Burning, but we will however share with you songs that keep the fire burning bright within us. We expect all of you out there to live a little Lemmy on the anniversary of his passing and throw on your boots, grab a jack and coke and live life fast and loose. Turn everything to number 10. Motörhead forever


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EXCECUTIONANDREW “no  surprises or deep tracks from me”:
Iron Fist
Heart of Stone
The Hammer


HEABYMETAWHUNTA: “You got yours and you know that I’ve got mine”
The Chase is better than catch
Fast and Loose
On Parole
Limb From Limb
Stay Clean

Please Don’t Touch
No Class
Stone Dead Forever

ACALLFROMTHEGRAVE “When I missed California, I would sit in my room and dream of these things”:
Iron Horse/Born to Lose
Speed Freak
Build for Speed
Mean Machine

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